Duration 40 Hours
0 Hours LEARNING OBJECTIVES COURSE OUTLINE TARGET AUDIENCE In this course, you will learn fundamental Word skills. You will: Navigate and perform common tasks in Word, such as opening, viewing, editing, saving, and printing documents, and configuring the application. Format text and paragraphs. Perform repetitive operations efficiently using tools such as Find and Replace, Format Painter, and Styles. Enhance lists by sorting, renumbering, and customizing list styles. Create and format tables. Insert graphic objects into a document, including symbols, special characters, illustrations, pictures, and clip art. Format the overall appearance of a page through page borders and colors, watermarks, headers and footers, and page layout. Use Word features to help identify and correct problems with spelling, grammar, readability, and accessibility. 1 - GETTING STARTED WITH WORD 2019 Topic A: Navigate in Microsoft Word Topic B: Create and Save Word Documents Topic C: Manage Your Workspace Topic D: Edit Documents Topic E: Preview and Print Documents Topic F: Customize the Word Environment 2 - FORMATTING TEXT AND PARAGRAPHS Topic A: Apply Character Formatting Topic B: Control Paragraph Layout Topic C: Align Text Using Tabs Topic D: Display Text in Bulleted or Numbered Lists Topic E: Apply Borders and Shading 3 - WORKING MORE EFFICIENTLY Topic A: Make Repetitive Edits Topic B: Apply Repetitive Formatting Topic C: Use Styles to Streamline Repetitive Formatting Tasks 4 - MANAGING LISTS Topic A: Sort a List Topic B: Format a List 5 - ADDING TABLES Topic A: Insert a Table Topic B: Modify a Table Topic C: Format a Table Topic D: Convert Text to a Table 6 - INSERTING GRAPHIC OBJECTS Topic A: Insert Symbols and Special Characters Topic B: Add Images to a Document 7 - CONTROLLING PAGE APPEARANCE Topic A: Apply a Page Border and Color Topic B: Add Headers and Footers Topic C: Control Page Layout Topic D: Add a Watermark 8 - PREPARING TO PUBLISH A DOCUMENT Topic A: Check Spelling, Grammar, and Readability Topic B: Use Research Tools Topic C: Check Accessibility Topic D: Save a Document to Other Formats This course is intended for students who want to learn basic Word 2019 skills, such as creating, editing, and formatting documents; inserting simple tables and creating lists; and employing a variety of techniques for improving the appearance and accuracy of document content. PREREQUISITES Using Microsoft Windows 10 OTHER PREREQUISITES To ensure your success in this course, you should have end-user skills with any current version of Windows®, including being able to start programs, switch between programs, locate saved files, close programs, and access websites using a web browser. To meet this prerequisite, you can take any one or more of the following courses: Using Microsoft® Windows® 10 Certified Security Analyst (CSA) First Name Last Name Mobile * Please fill the required fields. Email * Please fill the required fields. Attendance Type * On Premises Hybrid (Online/Offline) Online Please fill the required fields. Ask For * Available Offers Schedule Please fill the required fields. Message 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 Send Message